Frequently Asked Questions
End-user | Technical | White Papers
End-User Frequently Asked Questions
Information on issues of direct interest to end users of IOA products.
- What is the IPAD?
A transcript of a speech delivered by Phil Becker, creator of the IPAD, in which he details what is the IPAD and Why would I care? A very detailed discussion of both the IPAD capabilities and design mission as well as why it is built the way it is. - Technology Evolution
A brief discussion with Philip L. Becker, the creator of such industry impacting technologies as TBBS and the IPAD. This covers some of the reasons behind his progress from BBS technology to the Internet and beyond. - IPAD History
A question and answer style history of the IPAD product line from first creation by Phil Becker (under the eSoft company name) through the purchase by the IOA. - IPAD Y2K Statement
IOA engineering statement on Year 2000 compliance of the IPAD product line.
Technical Frequently Asked Questions
Information on technical issues related to IOA products and the world they are used in.
- ISDN Tutorial
Introduction to ISDN, its technical terms and operation. Learn about BRIs, PRIs, B channels, etc. Good basic orientation to the subject.
White Papers
White papers with more in depth discussions on subjects related to IOA products.
- IPAD Architecture
A discussion of the IPAD architecture and how it compares to other ways of approaching the task of making an Internet connectivity appliance. Comparison is made to other approaches with the advantages and disadvantages explained and compared. - Firewall White Paper
A discussion of what firewalls are, and the various methods used to implement them. Comparison of ease-of-use vs. protection. Background to understand the IPAD's ICSA certified firewall design and what it provides in the way of advantages.