
About The IPAD Owners Association, Inc.
The IPAD Owners Association, Inc. (IOA) was founded in 2000 and is headquartered outside Chicago, Illinois. We've attracted some of the best people in the business. Most also run private corporations or Internet Service Provider companies of their own.
The Market
The Internet is changing virtually every business model in existence today, and is quickly becoming an absolute necessity for any company to stay competitive. The Internet reached one billion users by the year 2000 and we have seen steady growth in the years since. Yet in the midst of this revolution millions of small business local area networks (LANs) are still not fully connected to the Internet, and the barriers they face are formidable. High cost is just the start. The technical complexity of a complete Internet installation means it can take months to create. And after it is finally created, it is so complex it requires a full time system administrator whose salary often dwarfs the rest of the costs!
The Product
IOA's IPAD products are designed to remove these barriers to entry for complete Internet connectivity. By providing an affordable high performance, secure, reliable, and easy to install and administer Internet presence. The IPAD enables every small and medium businesses to tap into the promise of wide area networking on the Internet with full local control of their e-mail, web site, domain name and remote access while enjoying proven security behind firewall technology first ICSA certified in 1998. The IPAD installs quickly, and can be easily administered by clerical personnel if desired. But it provides the power to never be the point that sets the limits for your Internet connection.